Monday, March 28, 2016

boneless oven bbq pork ribs with leftovers

when I got the chicken out of the freezer, I noticed that we also had some boneless pork ribs in there so I took them out and thought I might go ahead and cook them and use them on a night when I did not have a lot of time...that time is tonight...

I went ahead and baked the ribs and thought they would be great warmed up on another night, rather than waste them...I put the 2 pkgs of ribs into a baking pan and covered with some bbq sauce, covered with foil and let them bake for about 4 hours...

I had never really come across boneless pork ribs before until the time when my hubby had lost his very good paying aerospace job and could not find another job...there was a local meat market close to us and hubby got to be good friends with the owners and he eventually went to work for them...however, they could not afford to pay him, but he could take what meat he needed to feed his family...this was a difficult time for us as the kids were teenagers and I was the only one working, trying to hold onto our house and car, etc.   so the extra meat came in handy...I had only ever heard of ribs being BBQ'd, but in the winter that was a hard task to perform...hubby came home regularly with these ribs and one time I decided to bake them with BBQ sauce and they came out so good and that is how I have always made them since then...

so I did them this way on Saturday night...and of course I had to try them and was eating ribs at 9 pm...(I had to taste test, right?)

tonight we had them with the easter leftovers such as veggies and the scalloped potatoes...

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