Sunday, March 27, 2016

pioneer woman's perfect au gratin potatoes

I am trying these for dinner tonight and I am excited about them...when I was a kid and my mom would make our favorite dinners for our birthdays...
mine?  meat loaf and scalloped potatoes...once we were married, my MIL did the same tradition and she made me said dinner...hubby had a 10 and 12 year old siblings at the time and they hated this dinner...they thought they were being slick and put their dinner in the cat's dish...OMGosh FIL made them take it our and eat it...there was even cat hair on the meat loaf and they had to eat it...I have never forgotten that...

I followed this recipe except I added a few pieces of butter to top of potatoes and I blended the flour in with the half and half...and added seasonings instead of garlic cloves...

cannot wait to try

update...these were excellent...I will definitely make these again, everyone loved them

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