Tuesday, March 8, 2016

chicken and wild rice casserole

0h man I have posted about this dish soooooo many times...we absolutely love it and do not know what we did without it before...and holy crap, summer is coming and I cannot turn my oven on then, what will I do without this dish?

was not really on board with my monthly menus, but little boy asked if I would make his favorite meal ever and how can I say no to the cutest 8 year old in the world?  especially when he loves my cooking so much...says when he grows up, he is going to buy a restaurant and I will be the cooker (hahaha does he realize how old I will be by then?)  he is going to be so happy tomorrow...besides, this is also Tim's and my favorite also...hubby had seconds tonight, but said, it was not cause he likes it all that much, he is getting used to it...LOL


please try this tomorrow you will love me forever for telling you about this

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