Friday, March 18, 2016

Wednesday night dinner easy meatball soup

surprisingly it was 80+ degrees here in Riverside today, (in March no less...)  I am so sad that summer is getting closer and closer...hate the heat...though I am working on making up my summer menus...I cannot turn my oven on when it is so hot outside...

on Wednesday, I was kind of busy and have a lot on my mind and I needed to have something that was very easy to make for everyone for dinner...

I had meatball soup on my weekly rotation so I went with it...

I have posted about this previously and keep making it cause everyone loves it...

so here goes...

2 pkgs of beef stew McCormicks seasoning mixes
7 cups of water

combine the mix and water and bring to a boil...

add I package frozen meatballs to the water mixture, 1/2 package of egg noodles, and 1 package of frozen peas...

simmer until noodles are al-dente...

and you are done...yum,,,happy eating

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