Sunday, March 27, 2016

easter brunch hashbrown casserole and cinnamon waffles

I have posted about this hashbrown casserole many times before...I had found it on a food blog that no longer exists...and it was interesting to me...
I absolutely adore interesting recipes, with a secret ingredient or a different way of doing it...whatever I love them and seek them out...
I love the recipe for tomato soup cake, for instance...and have made that many times also...I have a recipe for sweet potato cake that uses baby this recipe really peaked my interest...and everyone in the family loves it and I make it quite often...little boy especially loves this and will be quite happy tomorrow when he learns I made it...often times when I make it I will send some home with him and he eats it for dinner...

so once again, here is how I do it (the original blogger said she made it out of desperation one day and only had these ingredients in her pantry)

1 bag of frozen hash browns
16 ounces of sour cream (think I needed a little more today)
6 lightly scrambled eggs
browned sausage

the original recipe did not call for this, but I fry the hash browns in a tiny bit of oil...I think it takes away some of the frozen-ness and also adds to the taste, till browned on both sides...
then I mix everything together and bake at 375 for about 20-30 minutes

and then today since I got a new waffle iron the other day, wanted to try something new...I had seen on the Pillsbury site, to put an unbaked (of course) cinnamon roll in the waffle iron...

then I mix everything together and bake at 375 for about 20-30 minutes

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