Monday, March 7, 2016

baked oatmeal...

I decided to take a day off from school today...I took the kids and then I went to the store to get what I needed for dinner...

today in Riverside, it is my kind of day...rainy, thunderstorms...I love it...

but, I had to get kids to school and go to the store and hubby had dialysis...the funny thing is I was worried about the rain...I love it, but I like to be home, where it can be nice and cozy when it is I took kids a little early (they can go to eat breakfast) and I hurried to the store and the minute I got home, the downpour started (I was kind of proud of myself...)

once in the house, loving every minute of the storm, I turned the oven on, turned all of my fairy lights on, lit some candles and started cooking...

once my wet, tired minions come home from wherever they have been, I want them enveloped in warmth, coziness and security...Tim had an important doctor appointment and hubby with his dialysis and then the kids from school...

this baked oatmeal recipe had been in my favorites for a long time...can I just say here, I HATE oatmeal...being one of 12 very poor kids, if we were lucky we had oatmeal every single day of our lives...YUCK...but, I do like oatmeal cookies, etc.  and this recipe sounded interesting...Tim loves oatmeal and I thought this a nice treat for him...

I also added pecans and a little coconut to this and it is so far, everyone has loved it...

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