Sunday, March 20, 2016

old family favorite...taco casserole

today is the first day of spring, and that only means one thing to me...summer, unfortunately is coming very quickly...I HATE summer so very the down time and not having to be in bed by a certain time, but the heat just melts me...I cannot take the heat at all...makes me physically ill...not looking forward to summer at all...
so, saying that, I am trying to use up all of my casserole recipes now, before I am on self imposed oven time out...

I started making this when we were first married and so it was before I even had kids...hubby does not love this as much as the kids always have...Tim and Zoie love it...she was very excited when she came over and saw what was for dinner...

here is what I do...

browned 2 pounds of ground beef, add in 1 pkg of McCormicks taco seasoning mix and 2 16 oz cans of tomato sauce, 1 bag of frozen corn, some sliced black olives...stir all together and then add some shredded cheese and some crushed tortilla chips (we like ours in fairly big pieces...)  add some more cheese to the top and bake at 375 for about 20-30 minutes...

paired tonight with the leftover corn casserole from last night...

yum happy eating

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