Wednesday, March 9, 2016

oatmeal pancakes and sausage pie...breakfast for dinner

wanted a little change for dinner tonight...have wanted to try oatmeal pancakes for awhile I said why not?

here is how I made the pancakes...I looked at many recipes and did something of my own from the different ones...

2 cups of Bisquick
1/2 cup of oats
1 1/4 cup buttermilk
2 tablespoons of brown sugar (would put a little more in next time)
2 eggs
oh and since it was my recipe I threw in some pecans

mixed al together and made into pancakes...

they were wonderful and I will make again...

for the sausage pie...

1 large roll of Crescent rolls, lined a 9x13 pan...

6 eggs beaten, added to browned sausage, with some cheddar and some mozzarella cheese
baked at 375 for about 30 minutes...

and after I made, I thought there was a little too much bread type but need to worry...I was out of Pam and the biscuits stuck to the pan so badly, we just scooped the sausage mixture out and ate it that way... (problem solved...)

dinner was great tonight, yummm

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