Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday afternoon tradition of tuna sandwiches

before Tim had to take over as Saturday Editor at the newspaper our every Saturday afternoon treat for him and me was to have tuna with chips and dip and take an hour to watch a show we had DVR'd...and then the Editor thing we switched to Sunday instead...

we do our errands (ie Target) in the morning, get coffee and come home and watch our shows and have the prerequisite is a habit we both love...and we have not gotten tired of it...

I have said before, we had tuna a lot growing up...tuna sandwiches and tuna casserole...but since we were poor, our tuna was never really dressed was not until I got my first nursing job that I really tasted tuna...there was an older black man (name was Art) who really taught me about tuna...he made tuna with onions and celery and whatever else and I had never had it like that and he made the best ever tuna melts...with this dressed up tuna, american cheese all on rye bread...I loved this sandwich so much and whenever I make tuna melts, I always think of him...

today, we had no eggs to dress up our tuna and so I decided to make just tuna with mayo and some seasonings, and piled it on potato bread with american was so good...
Tim was happy too...

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