Tuesday, January 5, 2016

new menu posts from 1/6 through Sunday 1/10

a little late this week, so this week it will be from Wednesday 1/6 through Sunday 1/10

here goes......

Wednesday 1/6..............pot roast
                                       boiled potatoes
                                       boiled carrots and onions

Thursday 1/7.................grilled huli, huli chicken
                                      white rice
                                      brussel sprouts

Friday 1/8.....................bacon cheese mini meat loaves
                                      baked potatoes
                                      green beans

Saturday 1/9.................stuffed shells
                                     green salad
                                     garlic bread

Sunday 1/10.................million dollar casserole (daughter is waiting for me to make this, till she goes on a diet...)
                                     green beans
                                     artisan bread (Tim and Zoie loves this 3 cheese semonila bread from Ralph's)

yummy sound good and aomw of my family's favorites...

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