Saturday, January 9, 2016

egg salad

never thought I would have to make a post about egg salad but here I am...

I was raised on egg salad, was a special treat for 12 poor I am very picky about my egg salad...
actually I am very picky about a lot of my foods...and I sometimes wonder why I am like that, afterall I was raised very poor, most nights going to bed without dinner...we relied on the goodness of other people sometimes bringing us vegetables from their gardens or something they had baked...we had oatmeal every single morning and now I cannot stand oatmeal because of that...

now, I have to know where the homemade food comes from (like to know if your kitchen is at least clean)...and I have to have only Kraft mayo, Oscar Mayer hot dogs, solid white tuna, etc...for me to eat it...

so you know if you get food from me, it is in a clean kitchen and only the best ingredients have been used...LOL

most everyone in my house loves egg salad, but like I said, I am picky...I like the eggs shredded on the smallest grater, by hand (I know, I know, sorry) and I like no chunks in it at all...
then I add pepper, just the smallest bit of garlic salt and onion powder and then add enough mayo to just coat the eggs...(cannot stand too much mayo)...

I like to bring this to school and hand it out to people for lunch...


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