Tuesday, January 5, 2016

end of the year...man what a year

the last week of school, I came down with the flu...I had heard from people that had had the flu that it was horrible...a friend of mine was out for 3 weeks with this...I hoped it would stay away from me...

it did not...

it started with a cough and then just gets much worse...I still tried to do what I had to do...but that Friday, I had to give in...I was sick...the body aches were the worst I had ever had...but I still had kids to get to school, help some teachers with last minute Christmas crafts, etc...I worked through, the very best that I could...I also tried to keep the home fire alive also...

made a lot of soups...told family to have a peanut butter sandwich on several occasions...it was sad to me however when I could tell it would not be the normal Christmas we were used to...I just did not have what it took to do our Christmas...

Christmas Eve is our night...that is when I go all out...I always make Swedish Meatballs, this great cheddar potato casserole that everyone loves and then tons of appetizers...I did what I could...made the meatballs, using frozen meatballs (it was not the same)...my daughter did the potato casserole, and we did a few store bought appetizers...in the end I could not even eat anyway...but at least I tried...

Christmas morning, I got up and made cinnamon rolls for breakfast...

Christmas night Samantha and I did a simple turkey dinner...turkey, dressing, gravy and mashed potatoes...Sam made a creamed corn casserole...once again, I could not eat...

I for one, am glad that 2015 is over...and I am starting to feel a little better each day...

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