Saturday, January 23, 2016

new menu posts from 1/25 through 1/31

been thinking all week about this menu rotation...kept the paper beside my bed, cause I would think of something while in bed and not want to get up to write it down (cause I sure would not remember it by myself in the morning...)  LOL

here goes:

MOnday 1/25............sausage, wild rice and corn chowder
                                  artisan bread

Tuesday 1/26.............john wayne casserole

Wednesday 1/27.......twice baked potatoes with ham
                                  green salad

Thursday 1/28.......... roasted chicken
                                  mashed potatoes with gravy
                                  maple glazed carrots

Friday 1/29.............. korean beef
                                 brown rice

Saturday 1/30..........layered chicken bake

Sunday 1/31............chicken/bacon carbonara
                                green beans
                                garlic bread

breakfast, lunches and dessert

bisquick mini sausage pies, egg salad, blondies

happy eating

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