Sunday, January 27, 2013

taco "cupcakes," sour cream & cheese rice family dinner

dinner was interesting tonight to say the of the crazes going around the internet is savory cupcakes (made with egg roll wrappers...)  I have seen lasagna cupcakes, sloppy joes, chicken pot pie, and a ton I took a leap of faith and decided to try them too...

had my eye on them for awhile now and thought tonight would be a good night...

I will start with the sour cream & cheesy rice:
and this is definitely a keeper...I did not quite follow the recipe exactly...and I should have put what it said to put in for the sour cream...ours was a little dry, but nonetheless very very good...this resembles very much like a potato casserole that I have made for years and everyone loves...I cannot wait to make this again...yummy...

now, the taco cupcakes:
now these to me are OK...before I made them again, I would need to add something...not sure what right now...they are just lacking something...but, neither did I put anything on top like salsa and that
would probably add what I was missing...son and hubby just said that they love them, so we will see...

had refried beans to go with dinner...the princess is with her dad tonight but I saved her a "cupcake" to see what she thinks...

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