Thursday, January 10, 2013

chicken tetrazzini and cheese savory "brownies"

OMGoodness is dinner wonderful tonight...a little labor intensive but, so well worth the time put into it...
this is a recipe that I got from Pioneer Woman and is the third time I have made it andeveryone loves it...
I am such a ding dong...went to the store to get all of the ingredients and when I get ready to make dinner I realize something very important that I forgot to do...
I forgot to buy the chicken...yay team me..but, not only that I had already made most of the dinner before I realized what I had, there was no way I had time to go buy the chicken and then cook it too in time for dinner...
we have a busy evening ahead of us...Zoe has tutoring and then later we have the award's thing to go to where they will announce where Zoe placed in the school art contest...

so the only thing I could think of doing was to send hubby to the store and buy a deli chicken...
that is what we did and it turned out great...I still feel stupid...

recipe link for tetrazzini:

then, I had bought garlic bread to go along side dinner but found this weird recipe this morning, and
since I love weird recipes so much, decided to try it...the recipe title says it is "cheese brownies..."
and I was very intrigued...


and these were very good, everyone loved them...I did not add the jalapenos, but it does need some kind of spice added to it....I might try the peppers next time just to see how that is...and this recipe
definitely has some great possibilities...(thinking green onions, maybe some bacon, corn?)
even, with cooling down, these cheese things are very good...

yummy...a huge thumbs up from everyone for dinner tonight

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