Wednesday, January 23, 2013

beef, bacon, & barley soup with english muffin bread

my camera is out of memory and I kee fogetting to plug it in (sorry for lack of pics...) this is what was for dinner... & this is the second time I have made this soup and I forgot from last time if I made any adjustments to it or, I did not have carrots and so put peas instead... the bread is the first time I have made it and it is very good...for a yeast bread it goes together fairly quickly, rose well (a little too much, I was not watching like I should and it went all over the oven...) LOL... as soon as it came out of the oven everyone was in the kitchen getting a piece to snack on... Tim said the house smelled good when he walked in...I love comliments like that... yummy dinner, you will enjoy...

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