Sunday, January 13, 2013

pumpkin pancakes, sausage, eggs for dinner

when I first made up this menu for January, I was going to make homemade chicken apple sausage to go with the pancakes... today when I got up, I knew that after a couple of labor intensive dinners I really wanted something easy tonight... I re-looked at the recipe for making sausage and it was going to take me buyin a bunch of spices that I did not have and well, it is the middle of the month (money wise) and I was not sure I wanted to spend (all) that kind of money on spices... so this is what I made and I am very happy with the pancake recipe and will definitely make them again... pancake link:
can I just add that early on in our marriage, hubby always liked to tell me that he hated breakfast for dinner, so we don't do this very much at all...

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