Friday, January 11, 2013

meat loaf, potato casserole, maple carrots

it is cold here today...very cold for California was 27 degrees when I walked Zoe to school this morning and I was so so so cold (we are not used to this, LOL)...even with mittens and my heavy jacket, it still took and hour once home to thaw my feet and hands out...
so, thus saying...I wanted a nice home cooked comfort all oven dinner tonight...I wanted Tim to come
home and be warmed and happy to be home...and my good luck was that he had not eaten lunch today and came home extremely hungry...

so this is what I came up with...

 I love meat loaf very much and I scour the internet looking for different meat loaf recipes...I came across this one and it has been my staple recipe since then tho I am not entirely sure this will be my forever one...we shall see...I do really like this one ( a little sweet and a very good taste to it...)  I made it for a large crowd one time and a guy came up to me and said he hated meat loaf since he was a kid but, he really liked, that was a nice compliment...

meat loaf link:

and then I wanted something different for a side dish and I have been eyeing this recipe for some time now and decided to give it a try...and it was delicious, just what I wanted and needed for this winter night...

potato casserole:

then I re-made from last week, the maple glazed carrots...

yummy, everyone was pleased with dinner tonight

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