Thursday, January 20, 2011

tortellini with sausage and spinach...

I am going to admit something here that you might not believe...I had never before in my life ever tried anything with alfredo sauce...I do not care for parmesan cheese, just the smell, or whatever, I am not sure but, have never liked it since I was a kid...therefore never wanted to try alfredo sauce...then, we were invited to some friend's for dinner and I understood it was to be an Italian night and Gerry is well known for his food, even written up in the paper for fact, used to own a catering, I knew the food would be good but, I thought we were only having lasagna and I LOVE me some good lasagna...every Christmas dinner at the in-laws was always lasagna and the real Italian kind with hard boiled eggs and cottage cheese instead of the ricotta...OK...

so we get to our friend's house and everything smells incredible and looked sensational...they started with the best antipasto, really good...then, he brings out this casserole dish and I could tell it was something alfredo but, the good guest that I am, I will try anything so I dish a little bit, a teeny tiny bit onto my plate (wouldn't you know I was the first one it was passed to???) and extremely so carefully I put one tortellini into my mouth and OMGoodness, I loved it...I had thirds of that dish, then ate some lasagna (which was terrific also, Beth...) and then asked to take home leftovers of the tortellini...have asked him for the recipe and am getting the vibes that he doesn't like to give out his recipes so, decided to try it on my own...
so here is what I did...
my own tortellini with sausage and spinach...
I bought a pkg of Bertolli tortellini
italian sausage
frozen spinach
jar of Bertolli alfredo sauce
what can I say??? browned sausage, cooked tortellini in water, mixed all together and baked...this is where I differed from Gerry's recipe, I put mozzarella cheese on top before I baked...
this is definitely a keeper recipe...what would I do different??? Sam says she does a homemade alfredo sauce that is much better than the;
1. try Sam's sauce
2. not overcook the pasta
3. make more of it...
guess what I am doing now people??? hunting other cooking blogs for more alfredo recipes, so,
are you all proud of me???
Greg said that he likes the recipe a lot and wants it more often...that makes me feel good...

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