Sunday, January 30, 2011

creamed chipped beef on toast

hands of my all time favorites along with pea soup that is...this dish was a staple in our huge family of 12 kids, growing up but, us kids did not mind one bit...we all loved this so much and as adults we still do...unfortunately the love for this dish did not carry over to my own family...hubby absolutely hates chipped beef as he says he got too much of it in the Marines (tho I know they make theirs with ground beef...) recipe is not the same as the military but, he still hates it...Sam and Chris like it but Tim informed me the last time I made it, that he also hates it..., my mother in law loves it and the last time she visited, I made it and it was the first time that the picky princess (Zoe) declared that she loved it...she calls it ham soup...

so, tonight I am by myself...Tim and the princess are on their way to Tokyo and hubby is at his mom's (since she lives by the airport...) so, I decided to make this for my dinner...

creamed chipped beef on toast...

melt 6 tbs butter...once melted tear up pieces of washed dried beef and cook for a few minutes till beef is cooked thru...take beef out and add 6 tbs flour to the butter, cooking for a few minutes to get the flour taste out...slowly add 3 cups of milk stirring constantly till thickened...

you can either serve over toast, or I dip small peices of toast into the "ham soup..."

this is also good with peas added to it..

when I mean washed dried beef, I put the jar of beef under hot water for approx. 5 min to wash the salt off and then I dry it very well before cooking with paper towels....

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