Saturday, January 22, 2011

Elk's and chicken pot pie

so, yesterday I made chicken pot pie for Friday night dinner...I was really nervous...I didn't want to run out of food, but, yet I did not want to have too much left over is like a guessing game since you never know exactly how many people are coming for could be 20, or it could be just have to guess...I was first told to prepare for 60...OK...then the previous weeks had been very slow so they told me to re-do the number to 30...(they are also on a drive to save some money...) so, I had invited a few people I know to come have dinner also, and so I made enough dinner for 45 people...can I just say that I made the right decision??? are you ready for the final count???????????? we sold 42 dinners...that is right, folks...42...
can I just say that I am kinda proud of myself???
went to Elk's around 12 and cooked the chicken and started getting the 3 big pans ready...Sam and Tim both came after work and they were a huge help...Greg was supposed to help, but not feeling well...
Marlene brought her homemade cole slaw, Zoe, aka pretty pretty princess made (with my help),blueberry and cranberry muffins, they had green salad and I made my famous sweet potato cake...
I am pretty sure that it went over well...I heard a lot of compliments and some from pretty picky people...
my cake went over really well, even after people knew that there is baby food in it...

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