Saturday, January 22, 2011

mint juleps and stroganoff

I can hear you guys now...what kind of combination is that??? mint juleps and stroganoff??? has she finally lost her mind??? (I actually did lose my mind a while back, just can't tell by looking at me...) LOL...

let me explain...these are 2 of Tim's favorites...all time favorites...and sometimes I just think he deserves to be spoiled and so it is today...

he loves beef stroganoff...and he loves mint juleps...and I don't think he has ever had them both at the same time before either...

when we go to Disneyland, he has to have his mint juleps...even on the rare occasion when he has not felt well at the "big D..." he still has to have a mint julep...we have even been waiting the first in line for the day to buy one...

so in the new cookbook he bought me was a recipe for mint julep cupcakes...and he has been bugging me non stop till I made mind you, I hate I will definitely not be eating even one of them...thank goodness the recipe only makes 12 of them...
mint julep cupcakes
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup butter
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
1/2 cup bourbon (the non drinker that I am, had none and I put milk instead)
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh mint...
cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy...add eggs one at a time...alternately add flour with baking powder and salt with bourbon (or milk)...spoon into cupcake pan...
bake at 350 for approx. 20-25 min...
now, these are not the light fluffy type cupcakes that I am used to and love (or so people told me,
cause remember how I hate mint?) they are dense and a tiny bit moist...
funny story...had the cupcakes sitting waiting to be frosted when I said that dinner was done...hubby thought they were muffins, split them in the middle and slathered them with butter...
back to the recipe...
1/2 cup whipping cream
1 tbs butter,
8 ounces of white chocolate
2 tbs creme de menthe (once again had none, but did go to the store and they had none, so I added peppermint extract...)
green food coloring...
heat cream and butter in pan till butter is melted...remove from heat and add white chocolate, stirring until melted...add food coloring and mint flavorings...let cool and stir occasionally and let sit till frosting consistency (about 2 hours...)
frost enjoy...
Tim, Sam, & Zozo loved them and said they taste exactly like a mint julep...and that my friends, is all that matters...right???
you really didn't need to see a picture of the stroganoff, now did you??? my recipe, altho good is really no big is made with the seasoning packets in the spice aisle of the store and then put over cooked noodles...yummy...

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