Saturday, January 15, 2011


look what I got up to this morning...that's right...rising bread...

I was so excited...and how super easy is this??? of course, it is Bridge ford frozen take it out of the freezer, put it into a sprayed loaf pan and leave it overnight, covered with a clean cloth and amazingly this is what you wake up to...and let me add, once baked it makes the most terrific toast...had some left over the other day and made the pretty princess toast and she was in heaven...

my house, this morning smells so wonderful, too bad smell-a-vision has not been made yet...

since Tim and I were alone last night (pretty princess is with her dad and Greg is ...well...somewhere) we made homemade pizzas...he had ham and pineapple and I had the usual pepperoni...then he also made us milk shake mud slides...can I just say I am in love??? I do not drink, but there is something about a nicely made mudslide...OM Goodness...

about the pizzas...they were good, but I need to find a better crust...I had bought the one in the biscuit aisle (that you crack on the counter to open) but to me it was a little doughy and more like somewhere that Sam's sells some that are really good...will try that next month...

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