Sunday, October 11, 2015

weekly menu posts for 10/11 through 10/17

looking forward to this week coming up, temps are supposed to be a little cooler and even some rain is predicted...yay, I can turn my oven on, hopefully...

here goes...

Sunday 10/11..........american chop suey
                                french bread
                                green beans

Monday 10/12........twice baked potatoes, with ham
                               green salad

Tuesday 10/13........chimichangas with chicken
                               spanish rice

Wednesday 10/14...cheeseburger impossible pie

Thursday 10/15......bisquick chicken with pineapple

Friday 10/16..........buttercream chicken
                              mashed potatoes
                              maple carrots

Saturday 10/17.....corn chowder
                             artisan bread

happy eating

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