Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday morning breakfast...

this is special...I used to (especially when my kids were younger) make Sunday morning breakfast every single week but as they got older I got out of the habit...easier to go out maybe?  I am not really a big breakfast person anyway...I love hasbrowns and eggs, but can I please have them maybe about 11 or so?
but, lately I guess to show my family how much I love them, for a couple of times now, have made them a good breakfast...

today is one such of those days...

and everyone that reads here or knows how much I love I have to tell you the story of how they had a Bisquick club when I was first married and would mail recipe cards out once a month...loved getting that mail and I still have those cards, 42 years later...LOL...
I act sort of like it is my company, heart kind of gets warm-ish when I see the word Bisquick...I know the recipe will be good and will be easy...I have been known to buy a Bisquick cookbook, and then next time, I think it is new and I buy it again...(old age creeping up on me...)

so today I knew I wanted to make these little mini sausage impossible pies but when I woke up this morning, I felt lazy and didn't really want to do muffin pans and thought why couldn't I do it as a pie in a pie pan?   So I used the cheeseburge recipe made with sausage instead...

yum, in oven now and everyone got up to something smelling wonderful and they keep asking when it will be done...

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