Monday, October 5, 2015

easy pork chops

so today it was very overcast and rainy and I could finally turn on my oven...this is my kind of day...

but in my personal life everything is going wrong...hubby is in the hospital, my microwave quit working, my printer is not working, my vacuum gave up the ghost, the kitchen sink was backing up and some pipes in the basement rusted out...I am sure there is more but you get the jist of the story...LOL...
little boy is also spending the night...

so I came home from school late today, we are busy in class and then I had to come home to the plumber and handyman and I HATE dealing with people working in my house...

wanted to do something more with pork chops tonight, like smothered or something but with no time, I put them them in a roasting pan and poured prepared BBQ sauce on top and baked them for about 2 hours at 375...

made white rice and peas to go with them...

Zoie and little boy were ecstatic with was pretty good...

happy eating...

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