Wednesday, October 14, 2015

corn and pasta chowder, with bacon

well it is halfway through October and the high temps are still with us, unfortuntely still with hot...and rain is predicted for the rest of the week which will only raise the humidity...yuck...

also I am not feeling well, felt so horrible yesterday that I went to Urgent Care, hoping they would give me an answer...I did not get what I wanted...they were not too sure of what is wrong with me...pain level most of the day is like an 8 or 9 out of 10...had much better luck with my primary, I always know I can go to him and he will set me straight....

still I try to forge on...we cannot eat out every single night, right?

so tonight?  corn chowder...

Zoie helped a lot, she loves this dish...she made a fantastic roux, better than I usually do...

8 tbs butter, with 8 tbs flour, heated through till flour taste was gone and she added about 28 ounces of hicken broth and 2-3 cups of milk...

once starting to thicken, we added 2 pkgs frozen corn, some browned bacon, a can of carrots and for starch this time, I added 1/2 box of ditalini...

it was very good, every incl Zozo and little boy scarfed it down...

served with garlic bread...

happy eating...

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