Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday night BBQ steaks

when we were first married, and I would ask hubby to BBQ, it never turned out the way I thought it should...the meat would be burned black on the outside and raw inside...I decided to teach myself to BBQ and over the years, I was so happy with myself that I did this...haha, this was in the days before computers and so what I did was go buy a "how to BBQ" cookbook...I love the slow cooking version of grilling...and of course everyone in the family is glad I taught myself to do this...


we had some steaks in the freezer, I seasoned them yesterday and today I grilled them...the end...

paired with brussel sprouts, french bread and deli potato salad (at the end of the day, did not know what to make to go with steaks and sent Tim to the store...)

all in all a good meal, even though I do not care for steaks all that much...

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