Sunday, August 14, 2016

Saturday night taco salad it is hot hot hot here

what on earth did I ever do before we moved to this house that has central air?  I am loving being in a house where I am not melting...heat and I do not get along at drains me and I get horrible headaches from it...
we are in triple digits here and I absolutely hate severely affects the way I cook...I so want to try new recipes but it has to be slow cooker or BBQ (and even with that I still have to go outside, yuck...)

since hubby has been sick since we moved and mostly unable to drive, I get out first thing in the morning, when it still nice out and do all of my outside errands first thing and so it was this morning...I love Sunday mornings as I always go and get Tim and I our white chocolate mocha fraps and get what groceries I need at the same time, and then I go to Panera for muffins or bagels for our breakfast...this morning a little before 7am, I woke up our 2 little overnight "guest" had them do a few chores for me and made them walk up to the Plaza for my weekly tradition...I was surprised they got up so good and agreed to go with me...LOL...
Sian had never been to Panera, so I got both girls their breakfast and left them to eat while I did my shopping...these 2 love being given a little independence and were so happy to have breakfast by themselves...

so last night, I made taco salad and I am notorious for the way I like my salad...not sure why I call it a salad since I put no lettuce in mine at all...

here is how I make mine...

to browned ground beef (seasoned) I add some grated cheese, chopped tomatoes, green onions and some black olives...then I add some crushed tortilla chips and just enough ranch dressing to make it all come together and I LOVE it this way...well, yesterday I forgot to buy lettuce for everone else so everyone had to have theirs like mine, although hubby puts salsa in his...

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