Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Monday night family dinner, BBQ roasted whole chicken

this BBQ of mine has gotten a really good work out this summer...more than it ever has before...LOL...in the old house, the back yard was kind of hard to get to and in the heat of summer, it wiped me out having to walk thru the whole house with meat in my hand to get to the back yard to the BBQ and then adding to that, if I wanted to watch it, I had to sit outside, in said heat...that just was not me...I have said many many times that heat and I do not get along at all...do not ask me how we ended up living in a place that sometimes reaches high triple digits...
so in the new house (where we moved in May) when you are in the kitchen preparing the meat for BBQing, the back yard is literally 2 steps to the back door and outside...so so so much better...as long as we have charcoal and lighter fluid, it is so much easier to BBQ than heat up my kitchen...the BBQ and the slow cooker have certainly been my best friends this year...what in the heck did I do what I did for 15 years living in the old house?  I am so much happier with many things here, tho I do miss my old neighbors...

I do also have to say that having central air here, vs. having only window air sure has helped this summer pass better for me...a complete life savior...

tonight, anticipating sending some home with little kids, I prepared 2 whole chickens...I like to put some butter and some cut up onions in the cavity and also rub a spice mixture all over the skin...put them on grill using the side only slow cooking version that I taught myself to do...and it comes out wonderful...we had them on for approximately 2 hours...so moist and delicious...and we have lots of leftovers, even sending some home with littles...

paired with hobo potatoes...diced potatoes, seasoned, with some cut up onions, wrapped in foil and put with the chickens on the grill...also had broccoli...

a very good summer dinner...yum

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