Saturday, February 13, 2016

weekly menu post from 2/15 through 2/21

since we went out on night this week, there is one item leftover from last week...that changes my menu plans...I will have to move things around and incorporate things...
posting menus early, since this is a 4 day weekend for me, getting things done...yay me...too bad school didn't have 4 days off more often...

here goes:

Monday 2/15...............hamburger soup
                                    artisan bread

Tuesday 2/16...............honey sesame chicken
                                    brown rice
                                    oriental veggies

Wednesday 2/17.........swedish meatballs
                                    buttered noodles
                                    maple glazed carrots

Thursday 2/18.............layered chicken bake

Friday 2/19.................hamburger, rice and gravy
                                   green beans

Saturday 2/20.............mac n cheese
                                   bbq little smokies
                                   garlic/cheese biscuits

Sunday 2/21..............taco casserole
                                  corn casserole
                                  raw veggies

sounds good to me...

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