Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday family dinner, spiral sliced baked ham

I have had a spiral sliced ham in my freezer for like a month now and have been dying to make it...I love ham...if I were stranded on a desert island and could only have one thing, it would be ham (or bacon)...LOL

so every time I open the freezer, this ham has been beckoning to me...and I was trying to save it for a nice dinner when I had time to make really good sides to go with it...

tonight is the night...and I know everyone will be so happy with dinner...

little boy has been staying the weekend with us, and he keeps asking when dinner will be done...

I put the ham, in a brown in bag (I love those things) and I poured some coca cola over the top, put it in the oven at 350...for about 45 minutes...

to go along with it, I am using a new recipe for scalloped potatoes from a friend (will post seperately the recipe)...
and since we all like the Jiffy corn casserole recipe so very much, that is also on the makes such good leftovers too...

also having green beans and an artisan 3 cheese bread...

every Sunday, I try to bake something sweet...tonight it is brownies and I got vanilla bean ice cream to go on top...

happy eating..yum

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