Friday, September 25, 2015

Tuesday night family dinner...taco salad

still pretty hot here in Souyhern California, cannot wait for the Fall days to come...Fall is already here but we desperately need for the hot days to leave...
all of this week, predicted to be in 100s so still trying to find cooler recipes, but dreaming of oven baking...

I am kind of strange and for my own personal taco salad, I do not add lettuce...I love this version of taco salad and will crave it when I have not made if for awhile...

I put out all of these ingredients and everyone makes what they like for themselves...hubby likes everything...Tim makes nachos and Zoie is particular in what she adds...


browned hamburger, with taco seasoning added
sliced olives
chopped tomatoes
sour cream
crushed tortilla chips
green onions
cheese of course

and I love ranch dressing

yum happy eating my lettuce-less taco salad

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