Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sunday night family dinner, after a Disney packed day...cheeseburgers

it is still horribly hot here, and yet this morning we woke up early to go to Disney...we have season passes and yet we do not use them as much as we should...we like to go first thing in the morning before it is so packed and before the heat really hits and then we grab lunch or snacks or whatever and leave anywhere from 12 to 1 or so...

there was 5 of us that went this morning and when we woke up, nobody was really feeling that great...I am still getting over pleurisy and Tim had a migraine, etc. but I said that we should at least try it and we can leave if it gets to be too much...
and once there, it really was a magical time...we had a great day...Sam (whom we bought a pass for her BD) and Zoie walked right onto a bunch of the normally packed rides...Tim ran into a co worker who was by himself and so they hung together and went on some rides also...hubby and I took it  I craved a Starbucks this morning (the only place they sell at Disney is in California land) and I limit my drinks to only Saturday and Sunday...what is funny is that I love the smell of coffee, my mom and dad drank Folgers like there was no tomorrow and so I love that smell that transports me straight to my childhood, but drinking the stuff upsets my stomach horribly...but Tim introduced me to White Chocolate Mocha Frapuccinos and for some reason my stomach is safe with them...but the calorie count is horrendous, so I limit myself...
ok...back to Disney, so I had my drink but hubby was "starving" and there is a restaurant that serves the absolute best breakfast, an all you can eat, but the ham and bacon and omelettes are to die for...problem is that they charge 27.00 a person...we have been there several times but mostly to take the grandkids, since they have most of the good characters come table to table and pose for pictures...but we wanted something different so we went to the California side to Cars Land and hubby had breakfast at Flo's Diner, it was a decent breakfast for 8.49...he got scrambled eggs, bacon, o'brien potatoes and a biscuit...
once we met up with the rest of the family, I was a little hungry but in the Princess Land, they sell these fantastic cheese, garlic sticks that are so good so Zoie and I shared one...of course Sam and Zoie had to have the prerequisite (?) Dole Whip and Tim got a new blueberry frosted drink...

we mainly went today to find the new popcorn buckets they had and we found them...a really cute Mickey Vampire one, a Halloween one and the new poison apple cup that is so popular right now...we have quite the collection of buckets since Tim and Zoie went to Disney Tokyo and they are really big over their...

so it was hot and we were tired, so I just prepared hamburgers and green salad and let everyone make their own dinners tonight...of course there was more for me to clean up...haha

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