Wednesday, May 30, 2012

cashew chicken & fried rice

dinner looks very good doesn't it?  and it was very tasty too...
something happened tho during preparations of dinner and I will have to start handling things a little differently...not sure if I waited too long since eating or my blood sugar crashed or what but all of a sudden while cooking the chicken part, I felt really bad and had to sit down...just happened to have some chocolate that my nice neighbor Marilynn had given me and now it is like I am horribly exhausted...note to self--do not wait so long in between pretty sure that is what it was...

so this is what I made:  with just a few changes to the recipe...I added pea pods and carrots instead of the asian mixture, and in the sauce ingredients, I added a little chicken broth...
everyone loved this dish even hubby proclaimed it to be the best dish I made all day (haha)...I did not
eat as I still was not feeling that great...will try it later...
I also made my very popular version of fried rice, everyone that ever tries it, loves it...
note to self however:  next time I would make this chicken with white rice only...making 2 labor intensive dishes made it difficult for kitchen is small and makes it hard to do too many things at one time and then with not feeling well, I will just say, "dinner kicked my butt tonight..." 
and I had planned on making homemade egg rolls too, OMG I am so glad that I didn't try them too...

that is all...

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