Friday, May 18, 2012


tonight I cheated...I did not make dinner, tho I had full intentions of doing so...
took my scooter up to the store and was going to get the rest of the ingredients I needed to make mac & cheese, bbq smokies, biscuits, and green beans and going up to the store, decided to make a pit stop at Goodwill and then this other little thrift store (I love me some thrift stores) and as I was going by the teriyaki beef bowl place, the smell drew me in, I could not stand in I went and called Tim to ask if he wanted the beef bowl and he said, "no..."
so I went ahead and got 2 for hubby and me and made a detour to Carl's Jr for my son...what a good mom I am...
hopefully tomorrow I will be back to cooking altho I have the 2 month old all day tomorrow and it is the first day I have ever watched her...should be interesting...she loves to be held and hates her car seat...

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