Tuesday, May 22, 2012

spanish rice

this is my recipe for spanish rice...I am sure that just about everyone has their own recipe for this, but I found this one years ago in an old magazine I bought at an estate sale...the recipe was in a column that was titled, "recipes for 2..."  so I copied the recipe down as it was and everysingle time I make it, have to do the conversions in my head...maybe today will be the day that once and for all, I finally write the conversions down on paper (then the trick would be to put the paper where I remember I put it, LOL)...I am getting bad with my memory people...
so, if my day permits and life does not get in the way this is what is for dinner tonight and for sure I will remember to take pictures...

Spanish rice:  (remember this is for 2)

ground beef
1-6oz can tomato juice
1/4 cup salsa
1 cup instant rice
chopped ripe olives
frozen corn
cheddar cheese

to cooked ground beef, add tomato juice and salsa...bring to a rapid boil, stir in rice and corn...cover tightly and let stand 5 minutes, stir and sprinkle with olives and cheese...

hint (so I did add this before)
each can of tomato juice is 48 ounces...to make a larger family version, add 4 cups of rice to each
can of 48 ounces of tomato juice...

love to serve this with a nice green salad and cornbread, those El Torito corn cakes, or a corn pudding...

I made it...life did not get in my way today, not meaning there was no drama, there was, but I still managed to babysit, laundry, clean house and make dinner...yay team me...
and as I sat down to eat, took my first bite then remembered I had promised all of you good people that I would take pics...haha...oh yeah picky princess would be so mad at me if I did not tell you she
made the corn muffins all by herself...she says, "I understand fractions now, so you don't need to tell
me anything, I can do it all..."  and she did incl. putting them in the oven by herself, that is a first...I am very proud of her...

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