Monday, May 28, 2012

memorial day bbq

I had actually forgotten that it was Memorial Day until one of my friends reminded me (hi Peggy!) and when she said she was making potato salad, it sounded so good that I decided to steal her idea and also do it...I absolutely love a good potato salad, no matter who makes it but, my family seems to think I do it pretty well...Annie at the Lodge makes a really good one almost indentical to mine...I like lots of hard boiled eggs in mine...
menu today?
bbq tri tip
mini burger sliders
hot dogs (kids)
potato salad
cole slaw
baked beans

and here is where I tell you that my daughter helped a lot...she made the 2 salads and the beans...when I went to the store to get seasoned salt, saw that they have Famous Dave's seasoning, so everyone that knows me, knows I HAD to get that...that is hubby's absolute favorite restaurant hands down...haven't had dinner yet but it is ready...sometimes when it is hot (high 80's today) and I make a big dinner, I just can't we will see if I eat or not...

last night Tim took us out to eat, and it has to be a secret right now till the newspaper comes out on Friday...LOL...

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