Thursday, May 17, 2012

sloppy joes

you know every day that I cook, I plan on taking pictures and making a really nice post and then life gets in the way and the minute dinner is done every gets their plate and I realize I didn't get a chance to take a decent picture...
today was crazy, I babysit the 4 year old all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays and he really is a good kid, but today was trying for many reasons and the last thing I wanted to do was cook once the little darling went home...and it also has been in the 90's here all week...I hate the heat and will do anything in my power to not turn the oven on...
thank goodness for leftovers from last night...
tonight?  sloppy joes on buns, corn on the cob and leftover macaroni salad...
it went over very well, even Samantha and Zoe came over to eat and the picky princess (Zoe) came back for seconds and she usually is (for an 11 yr old) a somewhat vegetarian (what she means by that is usually no beef, haha...) but she does love her some In n Out burgers tho...
hoping for a much better day tomorrow and I will cook something fantastic and maybe even get a picture or two in there too...
see ya tomorrow

cute food type story...Grandpa and I like to eat breakfast a couple of times a week at this place called "Little Green Onion..."  good food and fairly cheap...he and I can eat a good sized breakfast for about $ we take Cj with us when he is here...he calls it "Little Green Pepper..."

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