Friday, June 1, 2012

hot dog shoppe

so last weekend we needed out of the special reason, just needed out and hubby obliged...problem?  we are running out of new places to try...we do go out a lot to eat and even tho I made a pact this year of cooking more at home, we are still going out a lot...
Tim has a way of finding new places (he is after all a reporter) and he suggested that we head to Corona, where we (or rather I) could hit up JoAnns (hate that they moved from Riverside) and Wal Mart and then we could try this hot dog place...

it was actually a pleasant experience...we are spoiled and when we want a good hot dog, we usually go to Sam's Club where for 1.50 or so (they might have gone up) you get a good sized hot dog and a large drink...we love their hot dogs...
these were pretty good and that chip & mac and cheese thingy was different but tasted good also...
yes we would go back when back in Corona once again...

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