Saturday, May 26, 2012

carrot soup

Ok so today, I have had the worst migraine, it carried over from yesterday...and I hate the ones that last for 2 whole days...that being said, I sure did not feel good enough for making a big huge dinner...
as I looked over my menus left for the month of May I first decided on making the individual pizza pot pies and this carrot soup...but, then everyone in my family kept talking about those little Bisquick sausage and cheese mini pies in muffin tins...(yes, they all loved them that much...)

so the recipe for carrot soup is from Pioneer Woman...I check out her blog almost daily and I love Tasty Kitchen, where a ton of my recipes come from...and this soup recipe looked fairly easy, so I just did it...all you migraine sufferers know how hard it is to do too much when you are feeling so bad, but this soup does not take a whole lot of put the carrots in a pan with broth and boil &/or simmer for 45 minutes, add honey and cream and you are done...

it came with mixed reviews...hubby came into the kitchen ready to eat dinner, took one look at the soup in the post and walked right out of the kitchen...ummm really? ok I went in and told him, he had to at least try it...he did and said that he did not like it...but don't listen to him, he is weird...he was raised in an Italian family where except for pasta nights, there was meat and potato every night...and I came from a family of 12 kids, very poor, and we were happy to eat anything we could get and we ate a lot of casseroles (anything to make the dollar stretch...) lots of when we got married, I had a tough time getting him to eat what I made...and there are still (38 years later) many things that I love and he will not touch...he would rather go hungry than eat, oh let's see---
tuna, rice, chipped beef, I can see the rice thing, he says it is cause he was in Vietnam so long...OK I give him that one...but when the kids came along, I was tired of only eating what he liked and I wanted my kids to have a better overall liking to various foods...I started making things like mac & cheese, chicken pot pie, etc. and if he were hungry he ate otherwise my thought was he could have a peanut butter, he says some of the things I forced upon him, he I would say that overall I won...
I did not win the battle with the soup with him, however Tim Zoe and Samantha all liked it...would I
make it again?  most likely but not with hubby home...think of the good nutritional value, I am so glad that my grandaughter liked and told her mom that she needed to make it more for Zozo...

Zoe made the sausage/cheese mini Bisquick pies tonight, they are that easy, but girlfriend is getting pretty good at cooking by herself anyway...

still with the snowman plates, shame on me...told hubby he needs to open the box of new dishes and wash them and surprise, he is doing maybe you won't ever get to see my snowman dishes again...

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