Saturday, January 7, 2017

Oven BBQ pork ribs & homemade potato salad

when hubby first lost his really good paying aerospace job it was very rough on us...I got a job working for Wal Mart but he never got that pay status again...towards the end just before we lost our house and car, he took a job at a little family owned butcher and he got paid in meat instead of monies...he came home with these pork ribs one day and I had never seen them or cooked them and I asked the guy he worked for how to do them and this is what he said...guess they are not really ribs per se, but cut from the shoulder...

so, all I do is cover the meat with BBQ sauce, cover them with foil and let them cook for while at Wal Mart getting groceries (these were not on my monthly rotation) but I kept coming around and finally decided to just buy them and make them for tonight...I have been craving them for awhile now...

everyone is excited about dinner and I was not sure what to make to go with them, kind of wanted au-gratin potatoes but someone on facebook thought potato salad and cornbread sounded good so that is what I made...

my potato salad is so good,
red boiled potatoes, celery, green onions, black olives, dill pickles and of course chopped eggs...tons of seasonings (garlic salt, pepper, celery salt, onion powder) some mustard and I added some crumbled bacon to the mix too...

made cornbread muffins and a vegetable medley...


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