Wednesday, January 11, 2017

honey garlic chicken and veggies

this is what I wanted for dinner tonight but found this recipe too late for slow cooker so instead I am baking in the oven...chicken was roasted last night so I will add to veggies part way through to not over cook it...

this looks delicious...cannot wait to try it...

update...came out of the oven so yummy...

here is what I did...I had roasted some chicken yesterday and then I saw this recipe...and I really wanted to try it but not enough time for the slow cooker...
so I cut up all of the veggies and put into a baking pan (and can I just say that I have never in my whole life ever cooked a green bean from the produce aisle?)  hahaha...I usually use frozen ones...Tim and I are really trying hard to eat a lot more healthy and this really seemed like the ticket to do just that...
so, the veggies are playing nice in the baking pan and according to the recipe I made the sauce and poured over the veggies...covered with foil and baked about 45 minutes in the oven at 350...took off the foil and added cut up chicken (cause remember it was already roasted) and cooked for aobut another 20 minutes...
there is so much yummy sauce that I made some brown rice to soak up that goodness and it was so so so yummy, definitely a keeper...

you must try this and next time I will try in the slow cooker...

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