Tuesday, January 17, 2017

hardest post of my life to write

my heart is broken...it will take awhile to put it back together...when people would say they have experienced indescribible grief, I did not know what they meant...I have only been to a handful of funerals in my life...
all of that changed less than a week ago...

my husband has been sick...heart problems, dialysis etc...he was a door gunner on a helicopter in Vietnam, joining when he was only 18...agent orange was responsible for all of his medical problems...
the day after Christmas at 3 am when he got up to get ready for dialysis he fell...but I did not think it was bad...he was arguing with the paramedics about going to the hospital (he was too big for me to try and get up and I had to call the fire dept)...they kind of forced the issue and said he needed checked out and so off they went...he was only to stay to get checked and get dialysis and then come home...they decided to keep him another couple of days to make sure he was ok...
in the hospital, his health went up and down a couple of times but they had him all better and were in fact going to transfer him to a rehab facility to have him walking good and wouldn't fall...he was to be transferred on Friday...on Wednesday we got a call that he "coded twice" and was in ICU...

we got up there and a doctor pulled me aside and said we needed to make some difficult decisions right away...we signed a do not resusciate order and they said they would give us a couple of days to see if we wanted to take him off life support...but they went ahead and took him off Friday morning and he woke up for a little while and we were able to tell him we loved him and he actually mouthed the words too...

he died Saturday morning...

this is a food blog and I did not mean for this to sound so morbid but I did not want everyone to think I abandoned it either...

the school that I "work" for and my grandchildren go to has set up a meal program for us...and can I just say that this is wonderful...I would not have been able to think of cooking right now too...so I thought I would list what is being brought to us and show everyone what great friends I have...

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