Sunday, January 8, 2017

Fully loaded baked potato soup...yum

I am so sick today...oh my...this is day 12 of prednisone and I was starting to feel halfway normal from the Christmas day bug I had gotten...then today I wake up  with a headache, really bad sore throat, cough and wheezing...I give up...I just want to feel better...

So if I have to cook when not feeling good, soup it is...

this is the recipe that I hae always loosely based my potato soup on...I personally do not like huge chunks of potato in my soup, so I love that these are first baked potatoes and then mashed a time family asked for a little chunkier and I just added one can of potatoes cut up...and it served the purpose...

note to self for next time...I tripled the recipe and I think it needed a little more instead of 2 potatoes per recipe maybe 2 1/2 or 3?  otherwise tonight it was spot on, perfect seasonings and everything...(my usual garlic salt, pepper, onion powder...)  and I add a couple of spoons of sour cream with the cheese at the end...

yum so perfect for a sick kind of night...

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