Friday, June 1, 2012


been a long long hot (very hot week) and I am tired and was helping a friend out today and so I called Tim at work and asked if he would like to go to Friday's for is afterall payday for hubby and I today...
we like to hit up Friday's and then Barnes and Noble for the girl's reading materials...

we also like to go to Friday's before it gets packed and Tim has their bonus card which earns him points every time we go...(one time he even earned a go to the head of the line pass) nice huh?

tonight we had:  hubby had fajitas and Tim and I share the 2 for $20.00 and he got the chicken fingers and I get the steak with loaded mashed pots (I eat half and Tim then has a good midnight snack...) with that 2 for 20.00 deal you also get an appetizer and we always get the potato skins and you get dessert too...we have tried every dessert and now stick with the vanilla bean cheesecake...if you have not tried this, OMGosh you has mousse on top of die for...

that is all...

a good late afternoon

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