Saturday, June 2, 2012


it is still pretty hot here in Riverside, cooled down a tad, but still warm...I try so hard not to turn the air on but I get to a certain point and that is was that point about 2 pm today...only supposed to be in the high 80's but it seemed warmer than that...

when I taught myself to BBQ, I taught myself the slow cooker style where you put charcoal on the sides of the BBQ and put the meat in the middle not directly over the coals and I love to make roasts, etc. this however hubby is not feeling well (?) and so I decided to just do the hamburgers myself and it did OK other than the corn onn the cob falling off the BBQ into the ashy coals (haha)...otherwise all went well...

bbq hamburgers
bbq bratwursts
baked beans
corn on the cob
& fried potatoes (w cheese and bacon on top)

I am now sitting in front of the air trying to cool down and hoping that someone else will offer to do the

that is all...

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