Sunday, June 3, 2012

queen of the BBQ

yes, that is me, queen of the BBQ....this summer I am going to try to do all A.L.L. of my cooking via the kitchen is small (when it is cleaned up from dinner I will take a pic and show you) and it heats up very quickly...and in the depths of summer, well you guys know how horrible it gets here in Riverside...
my favorite story of the heat is the one from several summers ago and it registered 110 degrees and somewhere around here a transformer blew...OMGosh...I really thought I was going to die...we were blessed however that about 6 hours into the catastrophe (yes it is to me LOL) they got ours little's other grandma lived in the next city over and she was off for over 24 hours !!!
so that is just a taste of how much I hate the summer, now do you know why we want to retire in Wa.???
take today for instance, it is in the 80's here and 50's & 60's on Whidbey Island, the Puget Sound is calling my name...
ok...sorry for the rant, back to dinner...
as long as I have charcoal every dinner for summer will be done on the BBQ...I even want to try a pizza on the coals...
so, we were gone all day today in Murietta seeing the littles and we got home and I was wiped out...very tired and the more I sat, the tireder (is that a word?) I I forced myself to get up and this is what I did for dinner...yummy...very yummy...

I took a ham we had bought at the commissary and drizzled honey over it, wrapped it in foil and threw it on the BBQ (slow cooker style)
wrapped up some potatoes in foil, threw them on too...
threw (I love that word) some green beans in the microwave
and some garlic toast on the BBQ
& voila a yummy dinner without too much fuss...
love those kind of dinners...

more to come this summer
that is all...

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