Saturday, March 11, 2017

Sunday night family dinner slow cooker apple cider pork roast updated

I cannot wait to try posting now before I cook to save the recipe...I am dreaming of this with my homemade mashed potatoes....

will let you know how it turns out... I put this finally in the crock pot on Monday, but I had a busy weird day and did not get it going till about noon or so (maybe a little later) youngest turned 5 a couple of days ago and she wanted a party at my house (with the little girl I babysit also) and so we made cupcakes, etc.  and it was my first day back working at school, tho I only stayed till about 10:30...but my day was busy...
anyway so it did not cook all the way and so I recooked it on Tuesday, then again a busy weird day...late doctor appointment that lasted 2 hours (I know I know) and then I went to vvisit a friend in the hospital...

so tonight, is Wednesday and I have this cooked pork roast...

I sliced it but was so tender and fell apart...and I followed the rest of the recipe with the gravy, etc.

and let me say this is wonderful and everyone wants it again...was wondering if the cat would have liked it...pretty sure he would have...

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