Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday night, super busy...mock lasagna

I have made this previously...declared it a hubby favorite and said that it is always my go to first cool day of Fall to make when I finally can turn on my oven after a long hot summer...

we have had 2 days of pretty nice weather, but they say the rest of the week through the weekend is going to be rough...yay...I cannot wait (being sarcastic here...)

I originally found this recipe in a very old magazine of my hubby's grandmothers...and the sauce always takes a little while to make and get ready...with all kinds of different tomatoes and sauces, etc.
so, I thought today I would try it with my regular spaghetti sauce and see if it turned out the same did...

so here is what I did to cut some corners...I was super busy at school today and did not want to be in the kitchen forever...

so I took 2 tall cans of spaghetti sauce and added 1 tall can of tomato soup to it...I poured this over browned hamburger and some italian sausage and let it simmer for about 15 minutes...I think this is the key to the recipe, to have your sauce nice and hot...

I then put a single layer of meat mixture in the bottom of a baking pan, covered it pretty well and then added one layer of uncooked noodles over the top...I then completely covered the noodles with the rest of the sauce, till all the noodles had sauce on them...put mozzarella cheese on the top and cover with aluminum foil and bake at 375 for about 30 minutes (too much longer and the noodle get soggy...)  let sit for about 10 minutes so it cuts up nice...


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